Saturday, April 19, 2008

Visiting Napflion

Next we rented a car and went to Napflion and saw a lot of ancient ruins. Fist we went to Mykinos were the Mycenae king Agamemnon had his palace it's very cool. It's about 1,500 B.C. i'll try and get a pic. up later.
We went to tons of different castles in Napflion and also the theater in Epidovros the theater was so big that if I ran the upper ring of seats 4 times I would have ran about 1 mile.
Now we are down in the south of the Peloponnese in a really cute town called Mystras and tomorrow we are going to go to another amazingly cool castle.
Today after we rented our room at our hotel we went to see the Spartan theater, and Acropolis it was cool but not as cool as the Athenian Acropolis.

That's all for now thanks Cam.

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