Sunday, April 6, 2008

Going to the Louvre

Hi people this is Cameron speaking from Paris France. Today we went to the Louvre. It was really cool. We got to see the famous Mona Lisa,(!!!) and the Venus De Milo. It was really cool. We got to see countless other famous paintings and scultpures and got to take some really great pictures.
There were tons of people around the Mona but luckily since I am really small I got to worm my way to the front and got some really great pic's and a great view. It was a little less crowded at the Venus De Milo but there still was a lot of people.
It was amazing to see how sculpture has changed over the millenia from just the basic body parts to things that looked like they were living people.

Thats all for now thanks Cameron

Check out my great pic's

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