Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mt. San Michel

Mt. San Michel from the causway 

looking thoughtfull
Ah Brittany, the quintessential French experience, with its small villages and winding rivers and among other impressive sights one of the top Christian sights in the world... The famous island monastery of Mount St. Michel (Mount of the archangel Michel) and it definitely deserves top ranking. Built on a mountain in the middle of mudflats, at high tide it is completely isolated by the rising sea and only a single causeway links it to the mainland, while at low tide mudflats and quicksand surround it.  This place has one of the fastest tidal fluxes in the world and it races in faster than a horse can run! As an aside, just down the road in St. Malo they’ve been generating electricity from the tidal flux since 1961! Peasants have been coming on pilgrimages here since the monastery was built in the 8th century A.D. and continue to this very day. They got the idea to build this when, in 708 A.D. St. Aubert was visited by dreams of the Archangel Michel telling him to “build here and build high”. Unfortunately though the first few of these orders went unnoticed until finally (according to legend) St. Michel got so fed up with it that he came and pushed in St. Auberts skull with his thumb in a dream. When the Saint awoke he realized the mark was there and set about building the church. (Don’t say you never learned anything from me.)
The view from ontop

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