These are the mausoleums of the Chachapoyas people of Revash. Built high up in the cliffs. A beautiful hike in and fastastic to see. |
The marvelous spatuletail hummingbird (yes the two leaf like pieces are a part of its tail!) This hummingbird is only found in the Choctal area and we were fortunate enough to see it!! Unfortunately I didn't take this photo but our guide did! FANTASTIC!

The Chachapoyan sarcophogi of Karajia beautifully perched on a high cliff these have been guarding over the valley for over 600 years! |
Potato planting time!
The beautiful stalagmites and stalagtites of the caves near Karajia! We were able to walk deep into this cave.....
Our amazing guide Jose! We were able to spend a week with him in the Chachapoyas region. He is full of more information than one brain should ever be able to hold! His English is great and he's only been speaking it for 5 years! He started working at 8 as a shoe shine boy in Chachapoyas when he was left to take care of himself! This guy will go a long way!
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