Friday, May 4, 2012

Back on The Road Again!

Hello everybody! As I hope some of you know, my name is Cameron Conner. I live in Spokane, Washington and am currently attending River City Leadership Academy. Ever since my parents met and were married one of their passions has been to travel.  When they first met they took an 8 month trip around Asia and New Zealand and the South Pacific on a budget of around $8,000 for the whole trip. Now they own a Fair Trade business called “Ganesh Himal Trading” which imports handcrafted goods from the country of Nepal and sells them to Fair Trade stores all over the US and Canada. They met many of their producers on that first 8 month long trip, and now almost 30 years later they help to employ hundreds of artisans.
My parents believe that education through experience and travel is just as important if not more so than normal public education.  So, we decided to take my whole freshman year off and go to travel the world. Our first trip we spent 6 weeks traveling Peru from the Amazon to the Andes and then flew home for almost two months. Our second trip was to Spain, Nepal and Morocco for three months, we returned to Spokane for a month and finally this last leg of our journey will only be around 7 weeks long.  This leg will take us through most Croatia, Slovenia, and other parts of Eastern Europe as well as Spain, and Paris for a few weeks until we fly home from England. 
It’s hard to believe that we were home for a whole month. It seemed to pass in the blink of an eye and now that are once again on the move it seems like that was the vacation and this is the norm. I was pretty amazed that we were able to pack our whole wardrobe and everything else we would need for 7 weeks in about two hours. This time I’m taking a duffle bag instead of a backpack for two reasons A: I can bring my tennis racquet and B: I can pack way more stuff!
Me eating a giant pretzel  in Frankfurt!
 We woke up bright and early (around 3 in the morning) on Sunday April 29th and got dressed in under 5 minutes, hauled my bag down stairs, said goodbye to my dog Buddy and less then 15 minutes after I’d woken up we were gone. But the strange thing was that this all seemed so normal! As I walked out of the Spokane Airport into the chilly pre-dawn light and out onto the cold hard tarmac I bid Spokane farewell and climbed into the small Canadian CRJ plain that would take us to San Francisco! From S.F. we had a 9-hour flight to Frankfurt, Germany where we had a two-hour layover and a giant pretzel, before taking off for our final destination: Venice!

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